Delta Yacht Club
New Year's Weekend
Ring in 2022 with friends on the Island !
We've planned a fun and relaxing weekend with delicious food and great friends.
All that is needed is your presence with us on the island. Don't miss it!
Friday New Years Eve:
6:00pm Last name A-M brings an appetizer to share
7:30pm Committee Prepared Dinner
* Prime Rib
* Scalloped Potatoes
* Vegetable
Dessert: Last name N-Z brings a dessert to share
>>>We will provide a final count of attendees to judge amounts<<<
Saturday New Years Day - Bowl Game Potluck - Bring food and drink to share
* 10:30am “David and Robyn’s Delta Scramble” and whatever you want to bring up - potluck throughout the day.
Booze/Bar: BYOB
Cost: $50 person ($25 for kids)
RSVP & payment or cancellation deadline 12/27.
Weather Caveat: If significant weather is forecast we will cancel on 12/27 and provide refunds.
Mission Statement:
To promote camaraderie and enrich shared experiences among our members, their families and friends through nautical activities, social events and education, in a socially inclusive environment.
Stockton, CA 95204
(209) 463-6063